
I was tagged on facebook...

What are your middle names?
Bomar and Kay

How long have you been together?
Including dating-four years and nine months

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
two seconds...no really about two weeks

Who asked who out?
Will asked muah, although I asked him to kiss me first.

Whose siblings do you see the most?
Wills, especially considering we are living with his mom and dad right now.

Do you have any children together?
haha. yeah, almost four.

What about pets?
No, I couldn't handle anything else in my life right now.

Did you go to the same school?
Yes, and we met THE first day of school...that really through a wrench in all of my player days I wanted to have.

Who is the most sensitive?
It depends. Normally me. That is all I am going to say about that.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Well we love this little place called Skylar's kitchen...but we also love Texas Roadhouse.

Where is the furthest you have ever traveled as a couple?
Roadtrip wise-26 hours from Idaho to Texas. Farthest away-Jamaica

Who has the worst temper?
Toss up. I can definetly get fired up, but so can Will...just normally at different things.

Who does the cooking?
ME. Will sticks to oatmeal, cereal, eggs and spaghetti.

Who is more social?
Will, due to me normally being tied down with a baby on my boob, in my stomach or on my hip. :)

Who is the neat freaks?
I like to be organized, but I am in no way a neat freak. Will's idea of being neat is throwing everything away but bare essentials.

Who is the most stubborn?
Can you imagine-we are both very stubborn.

Who hogs the bed?
WILL, and pulls the blankets off, and like smothers me during the night.

Who wakes up earlier?
Will. definetly. he likes to wake up around 5:30 or 6:00.

Where was your first date?
Offical date-Gringo's. Unoffical-DI for like six hours trying on clothes.

Who has the bigger family?
Me. three brothers, one sister, 18 nieces and nephews.

Do you get flowers often?
I would love to. Will is getting better at that because that is my absolute favorite thing to receive.

Who eats more?
Sore subject in our marriage. When we were dating I wanted to eat the same amount as Will and he got really mad at me because I was full and he asked for more and I said "No" because I wanted the leftovers... I can definetly pack down some food, but in my old age :) I have been trying to eat smaller portions.

Who sings better?
Will can't sing, so that would leave me.

Who does the laundry?
Me, although he is very capable.

Who's is better with the computer?
Office stuff like excel-Will. Design-Me

Who drives when you are together?
Right now, me. I get really car sick when preggos. But Will normally.

Who picks where you go to dinner?
Me. Cravings. (Wow, I am just realizing how much pregnancy rules my life.)

Who is the first one to admit when they are wrong?
Lately Will.

Who wears the pants in the relationship?
Will does. But I buy them, wash them and put them on the hanger, so...you know what I am saying. lol. (jk)

Who eats more sweets?

Who cries more?
About real life-me. During movies-Will. Awww!

What's your best day together?
Ever? that is hard...there has been some really good ones. Wedding day, children's birth.

Where did you honeymoon?
Cruise to Cozumel, Caymen, and Jamaica

Favorite date night?
When Will runs a hot bath for me and just lets me soak for a while. Then just hanging out and messing around.

Favorite TV show to watch together?
American Idol!! and BYU football!

Couple I imagine us growing old like?
Well I would love to say Gordon and Marjorie Pay Hinckley but we will never be at that level...Will says the Notebook couple-100%. :)

This was really fun. I tag Alishia, Lezlie, Jen B., Taralynn, Morgan (even though I don't have access to her blog anymore) and anyone else that would like to do this.